Risks of chiropractic treatment

It is important for you to consider the benefits, risks and alternatives to the treatment options offered by our Specialists of Chiropractic and Physiotherapy services including diagnostic procedures, joints and spine manipulation and mobilization, soft tissue techniques such as massage, and other forms of therapy including, but not limited to dry needling,shockwave therapy, electrotherapeutic modalities, exercise and prescribing over the counter medication.


You also must be informed that there are or may be some risks associated with such treatments. In particular:

– Temporary worsening of symptoms: Muscle soreness occurs in up to half of patients following treatment and usually dissipates within a couple of days. Although rare, some patients have experienced muscle strain, ligament sprain or rib fracture following manual therapy. Usually, any increase in pre-existing symptoms of pain or stiffness will last only a few hours to a few days. Please consult your provider for questions on management.

– Skin irritations, burn or bruising: Skin irritation, a burn or bruising may occur in association with the use of some types of soft tissue therapies and electrotherapeutic modalities. Skin irritation can be caused by the use of tape (contact with the glue). Skin irritation should resolve quickly. A burn may leave a permanent scar. Bruising may be cause by dry needling, deep tissue therapy and cupping therapy and should resolve in a few days.

– Injury or aggravation of a disc: Over the course of a lifetime, spinal discs may degenerate or become damaged. A disc can degenerate with aging and daily wear and tear with common daily activities such as bending or lifting. Patients who already have a degenerated or damaged disc may or may not have symptoms. They may not know they have a problem with a disc. They also may not know their disc condition is worsening because they only experience back or neck problems once in a while.

Chiropractic, Physiotherapy treatment should not damage a disc that is not already degenerated or damaged, but if there is a pre-existing disc condition, the treatment, like many common daily activities, may aggravate the disc condition.

The consequences of disc injury or aggravating a pre-existing disc condition will vary with each patient. In the most severe cases, patient symptoms may include impaired back or neck mobility, radiating pain and numbness into the legs or arms, impaired bowel or bladder function, or impaired leg or arm function.

– Stroke: Blood flows to the brain through two sets of arteries passing through the neck. These arteries may become weakened and damaged, either over time through aging or disease, or as a result of injury. A blood clot may form in a damaged artery. All or part of the clot may break off and travel up the artery to the brain where it can interrupt blood flow and cause a stroke.
Many common activities of daily living involving ordinary neck movements have been associated with stroke resulting from damage to an artery in the neck, or a clot that already existed in the artery breaking off and travelling up to the brain.

Chiropractic and Physiotherapy treatments have also been associated with stroke. However, that association occurs very infrequently, and may be explained because an artery was already damaged and the patient was progressing toward a stroke when the patient consulted the chiropractor. Present medical and scientific evidence does not establish that Chiropractic and Physiotherapy treatment causes either damage to an artery or stroke. The consequences of a stroke can be very serious, including significant impairment of vision, speech, balance and brain function, as well as paralysis or death.

– Osteoporosis, minor undiagnosed fractures, bone tumors or bone infections: A patient may not be aware of
previous bone pathology which may present a risk to spinal manipulation. A manipulation in such patients may cause a bone fracture. In such cases, it is the Doctors responsibility to refer patient for diagnostic imaging, tests and further management.

– Dry needling: I have been informed that dry needling is a safe method of treatment, but that it may have side effects including bruising, bleeding, numbness, tingling or pain near the needling sites that may last a few days. Episodes of dizziness, nausea or fainting have know to occur. Unusual risks of dry needling include severe emotional reaction, seizure, pneumothorax, organ puncture systemic infection or broken needle.

-Shockwave Therapy: May result in mild swelling, Bruising or aches. Contraindicated in certain heart conditions, pacemakers or blood thinning medications.
You are encouraged to ask questions at any time regarding your assessment and treatment. Bring any concerns you have to your Doctor or Therapist’s attention. If you are not comfortable, you may stop treatment at any time. You have the right to have your concerns heard and resolved when possible.

Complaints can be submitted to the medical director at
