22 August, 2023

Mastering Core Activation: Essential Techniques and Tips

Core activation plays an integral role in many physical activities, including exercise, sports, and even daily movement. By understanding and mastering core activation, you can enhance your spinal control, reduce injury risk, and improve overall body performance. Let’s explore the essential techniques and tips to achieve this mastery.

What Does It Mean to Engage Your Core?

Engaging your core refers to the act of contracting and stabilizing the muscles surrounding your abdominal region. Rather than just the “six pack” muscles, engaging your core includes the muscles of your pelvic floor, obliques, lower back and hip muscles.. These muscles work in harmony to support the spine and transfer energy throughout the body. Engaging the core is not just about flexing these muscles; it’s about creating a controlled and balanced base for movement.

The Importance of Core Activation


  • Control: It helps in maintaining proper posture and alignment, and control of movement of the spine.

  • Strength: A strong core contributes to overall body strength and functionality.

  • Injury Prevention: Core engagement reduces strain on the back and other muscles, minimizing the risk of injuries.

Techniques for Core Activation

Techniques for Core Activation


Breathing and Switching On 

Proper breathing is key to effective core engagement. By taking a deep breath and then activating your pelvic core gently (for women – holding in a pee; for men – sucking up your scrotum) followed by zipping up your lower abdominal muscles (below you belt line); and then holding this muscle activation while you breathe out; you can gently activate your main core muscles.. This method helps in controlling spinal movement and can enhance the efficiency of various exercises. You can practice this technique during day to day activities such as brushing your teeth waiting for the kettle to boil, sitting in the car at traffic lights. It is also beneficial to activate when doing weightlifting or intense workouts  and can significantly improve strength and performance, and reduce risk of injury.

Plank Variations 

Planks are a versatile exercise to engage the core. Whether it’s a standard plank or a side plank, maintaining the right alignment and engaging the core muscles is crucial. Adding variations like the forearm plank or a reverse plank can provide different challenges and benefits. By modifying hand positions or leg movements, you can target specific muscle groups and keep your workout routine fresh and engaging.

Pelvic Tilts 

Pelvic tilts focus on the lower part of the core, especially around the hips and lower back. By tilting the pelvis forward and backward, you engage these critical muscles and create movement around the lower back. This seemingly simple exercise can greatly improve posture and alleviate lower back pain. Pelvic tilts can be performed in various positions like standing, sitting, or lying down, making them an accessible exercise for many different fitness levels.

Tips for Effective Core Engagement

Tips for Effective Core Engagement

Start slow, as core activation takes time and practice. Begin with simple exercises and gradually increase the intensity. It’s essential to establish a mind-muscle connection; focus on feeling the muscles working rather than rushing through exercises. Consistency is key in building your core strength; regular practice will lead to improved core strength and stability.
It’s also important to recognize and avoid common mistakes. Over-engaging, or squeezing the muscles too hard, can lead to strain or overcompensation by other muscles. Ideally a 30% muscle contraction is recommended. Another common mistake is a lack of focus on form. Proper form ensures that the right muscles are working, so pay close attention to alignment and movement to prevent unnecessary strain or injury. Don’t ignore other muscles. Your core can be strong, but if your legs and arms aren’t strong enough, you can still injure your back trying to lift something heavy.
At Franklin Chiropractic and Physiotherapy, we are dedicated to providing exceptional, multidisciplinary musculoskeletal care to our patients. If you’re looking to strengthen your core and enhance overall physical well-being, our skilled practitioners specialize in personalized fitness plans, taking into account your unique needs and goals. Whether you’re recovering from an injury or striving for peak athletic performance, our evidence-based approaches are tailored to you. Our team passionately upholds a deep-seated dedication to excellence, collaborating to make a genuine difference in the lives of our patients. 
An injury shouldn’t hinder you from experiencing life to its fullest. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and to learn how we can guide you towards a path of recovery.

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