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26 April, 2024

Understanding Whiplash: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

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18 March, 2024

10 Tips for Having a Happy and Healthy Spine

The spine is the backbone of your body, both literally and figuratively. It supports your frame, enables movement, and houses the nerve pathways that connect your brain to the rest of your body. Taking care of your spine is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. Here are ten essential tips for ensuring your spine stays happy and healthy.

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20 February, 2024

Cervical Spine: Anatomy, Functions, & Disorders

The cervical spine, a marvel of human anatomy, plays a pivotal role in the flexibility and function of the neck and head. This complex structure, consisting of seven vertebrae (C1-C7), not only supports the skull but also enables a wide range of movements, including rotation, flexion, and extension. Understanding its anatomy, functions, and potential disorders is crucial for maintaining spinal health and overall well-being.

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15 December, 2023

Inflammation: What Is It, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Inflammation is a term we often hear, but its complexities and implications for our health are not always clear. Essentially, it's the body's instinctive protective response against harm, be it from injury or infection. While this response is crucial for healing, its prolonged form, known as chronic inflammation, can be a silent adversary to our well-being. This blog aims to shed light on inflammation in an accessible way, exploring its various forms, triggers, and manifestations, as well as offering insights into natural and effective ways to manage it. Whether you're just curious or seeking ways to improve your health, understanding inflammation is a key step.

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16 November, 2023

Neck Pain: Why Does It Hurt and How To Find Relief

Neck pain is becoming an increasingly prevalent condition, affecting individuals from all walks of life, regardless of age or lifestyle. Neck pain is a universal issue, with symptoms ranging from minor discomfort to severe pain that can significantly disrupt daily activities and overall quality of life.

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19 October, 2023

Physiotherapy for Athletes: Preventing and Treating Sports Injuries

Athletes often push their bodies to the edge, embracing rigorous training and discipline. While the journey toward athletic mastery is rewarding, it comes with the inherent risk of sports injuries. Fortunately, the realm of physiotherapy stands as a guardian, proactively preventing injuries and offering therapeutic solutions when they do arise.

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19 September, 2023

The Top Benefits of Visiting a Physiotherapy Clinic in Dubai

As the crossroads between ancient traditions and innovative visions, Dubai seamlessly melds the old with the new. This unique blend is especially evident in its approach to healthcare and wellness. If you're pondering the benefits of physiotherapy in this vibrant city, you're in for a transformative experience. Today we will explore Dubai's top-tier clinics and discover why they are setting global benchmarks in physiotherapy.

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22 August, 2023

Mastering Core Activation: Essential Techniques and Tips

Core activation plays an integral role in many physical activities, including exercise, sports, and even daily movement. By understanding and mastering core activation, you can enhance your spinal control, reduce injury risk, and improve overall body performance. Let's explore the essential techniques and tips to achieve this mastery.

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26 July, 2023

Physiotherapy vs. Chiropractic: Which Approach is Best for You?

When it comes to addressing musculoskeletal issues and promoting overall wellness, two popular healthcare approaches stand out: physiotherapy and chiropractic care. Both of these practices aim to alleviate pain, enhance mobility, and improve the quality of life for patients. However, they have distinct methodologies and treatment techniques. In this blog, we will explore the similarities and differences between physiotherapy and chiropractic care

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12 June, 2023

5 Surprising Benefits of Shockwave Therapy You Didn’t Know About

Shockwave therapy, a non-invasive treatment option involving the use of pressure waves to treat various musculoskeletal conditions, has gained traction in the field of physiotherapy. Despite its effectiveness, there are still many facets of this treatment method that remain unexplored by the general public. This article aims to uncover five surprising benefits of shockwave therapy that you might not be aware of.

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17 May, 2023

Evergreen Business Exclusive: Dr Madelaine Franklin

Meet the woman behind the innovative, multi-disciplinary approach revolutionizing Dubai’s healthcare industry. Dr. Madelaine Franklin, a seasoned chiropractor with over 14 years of experience, is changing the chiropractic and physiotherapy care landscape in Dubai.

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16 May, 2023

10 Ways Physiotherapy Can Help You Recover From an Injury

Injuries are a common occurrence in life and can happen to anyone. Whether it is a sports-related injury, an accident, or a chronic condition, it can be a frustrating and painful experience. However, physiotherapy is a crucial part of the rehabilitation process, and it can help you recover from an injury in several ways. In this article, we will discuss the specific ways in which physiotherapy can help you recover from an injury.

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25 April, 2023

Discover the Benefits of Chiropractic Care: Why it Could Be the Perfect Choice for You

Chiropractic care is becoming an increasingly popular choice for those wanting to seek relief from chronic pain or maintaining overall wellness with regards to the biomechanics of the spine and nervous system. This natural healthcare approach focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal and nervous system disorders. By addressing misalignments in the spine, chiropractors aim to optimize bodily function and alleviate pain or other health issues caused by disruptions in the nervous system.

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25 August, 2022

Sub-occipital release for Neck pain, Shoulder pain, Headache, and TMJ dysfunction

Poor postural habits can lead to neck pain, shoulder pain, headache and TMJ dysfunction.

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21 August, 2022

The Counterstrain Technique

These are points of hypersensitivity beneath the skin, smaller than Fingertip in size. These points when touched can give you a quick and nervous reaction to the touch, as a reaction to the pain.

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